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Las sanciones ilegales o medidas coercitivas unilaterales constituyen una violación a la prohibición expresa de la Carta de las Naciones Unidas, que prohíbe el uso de las fuerzas contra poblaciones civiles. En ese sentido, las sanciones matan. Las medidas coercitivas unilaterales constituyen una herramienta directa de agresión contra la población de un país.

Este folleto muestra 10 puntos claves para entender la acción llevada adelante por Venezuela en defensa de la soberanía nacional y los derechos humanos del pueblo venezolano. ¡Descárgalo en PDF!

Desde diciembre del 2014 a 2020 se han ejecutado una serie de medidas coercitivas han venido asfixiando a la industria petrolera nacional, han atacado directamente a PDVSA, han restado operatividad financiera, logística, administrativa a nuestra industria nacional, afectando directamente a los ingresos en Venezuela que han caído en más del 90.5%. Su objetivo es crear el colapso económico en Venezuela causando sufrimiento a toda la población.

Al día de hoy, 176 entidades públicas venezolanas han sido sancionadas ilícitamente, 133 funcionarios han sido sancionados, 22 personas naturales por tener relación económica, financiera, comercial con Venezuela; 9 buques extranjeros han sido sancionados por transporte de crudo venezolano, 40 buques de PDVSA fueron sancionados, 15 aeronaves de CONVIASA sancionadas, 41 aeronaves de PDVSA han sido sancionadas, 9 empresas venezolanas han sido sancionadas, 9 empresas del Estado venezolano y 61 empresas extranjeras relacionadas con Venezuela.

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4 años atrás

[…] Since 2015, the U.S. government has sanctioned 49 oil tankers, 18 Venezuelan companies, 60 foreign companies and 56 airplanes (41 belonging to state airliner Conviasa and 15 belonging to state oil company PDVSA), but this is the first time they’ve gone after foreign oil companies. By targeting Rosneft Trading and TNK Trading (the two Rosneft subsidiaries), the United States makes it next-to-impossible for those firms to continue trading in Venezuela oil, as shipping companies, insurance companies and banks will refuse to work with them. […]

4 años atrás

[…] Since 2015, the U.S. government has sanctioned 49 oil tankers, 18 Venezuelan companies, 60 foreign companies and 56 airplanes (41 belonging to state airliner Conviasa and 15 belonging to state oil company PDVSA), but this is the first time they’ve gone after foreign oil companies. By targeting Rosneft Trading and TNK Trading (the two Rosneft subsidiaries), the United States makes it next-to-impossible for those firms to continue trading in Venezuela oil, as shipping companies, insurance companies and banks will refuse to work with them. […]

4 años atrás

[…] Since 2015, the U.S. government has sanctioned 49 oil tankers, 18 Venezuelan companies, 60 foreign companies and 56 airplanes (41 belonging to state airliner Conviasa and 15 belonging to state oil company PDVSA), but this is the first time they’ve gone after foreign oil companies. By targeting Rosneft Trading and TNK Trading (the two Rosneft subsidiaries), the United States makes it next-to-impossible for those firms to continue trading in Venezuela oil, as shipping companies, insurance companies and banks will refuse to work with them. […]

4 años atrás

[…] Since 2015, the U.S. government has sanctioned 49 oil tankers, 18 Venezuelan companies, 60 foreign companies and 56 airplanes (41 belonging to state airliner Conviasa and 15 belonging to state oil company PDVSA), but this is the first time they’ve gone after foreign oil companies. By targeting Rosneft Trading and TNK Trading (the two Rosneft subsidiaries), the United States makes it next-to-impossible for those firms to continue trading in Venezuela oil, as shipping companies, insurance companies and banks will refuse to work with them. […]

4 años atrás

[…] Depuis 2015, le gouvernement américain a sanctionné 49 pétroliers, 18 compagnies vénézuéliennes, 60 compagnies étrangères et 56 avions (41 appartenant à l’avion de ligne Conviasa et 15 appartenant à la compagnie pétrolière publique PDVSA), mais c’est la première fois qu’ils s’en prennent compagnies pétrolières étrangères. En ciblant Rosneft Trading et TNK Trading (les deux filiales de Rosneft), les États-Unis rendent pratiquement impossible pour ces entreprises de continuer à faire du commerce de pétrole vénézuélien, car les compagnies de navigation, les compagnies d’assurance et les banques refuseront de travailler avec elles. […]

4 años atrás

[…] Since 2015, the U.S. government has sanctioned 49 oil tankers, 18 Venezuelan companies, 60 foreign companies and 56 airplanes (41 belonging to state airliner Conviasa and 15 belonging to state oil company PDVSA), but this is the first time they’ve gone after foreign oil companies. By targeting Rosneft Trading and TNK Trading (the two Rosneft subsidiaries), the United States makes it next-to-impossible for those firms to continue trading in Venezuela oil, as shipping companies, insurance companies and banks will refuse to work with them. […]

4 años atrás

[…] Since 2015, the U.S. government has sanctioned 49 oil tankers, 18 Venezuelan companies, 60 foreign companies and 56 airplanes (41 belonging to state airliner Conviasa and 15 belonging to state oil company PDVSA), but this is the first time they’ve gone after foreign oil companies. By targeting Rosneft Trading and TNK Trading (the two Rosneft subsidiaries), the United States makes it next-to-impossible for those firms to continue trading in Venezuela oil, as shipping companies, insurance companies and banks will refuse to work with them. […]

4 años atrás

[…] en 56 vliegtuigen (41 van het staatsvliegtuig Conviasa en 15 van het staatsoliebedrijf PDVSA) gesanctioneerd, maar dit is de eerste keer dat ze achter buitenlandse oliemaatschappijen aan gaan. Door zich te […]

4 años atrás

[…] en 56 vliegtuigen (41 van het staatsvliegtuig Conviasa en 15 van het staatsoliebedrijf PDVSA) gesanctioneerd, maar dit is de eerste keer dat ze achter buitenlandse oliemaatschappijen aan gaan. Door zich te […]

4 años atrás

[…] en 56 vliegtuigen (41 van het staatsvliegtuig Conviasa en 15 van het staatsoliebedrijf PDVSA) gesanctioneerd, maar dit is de eerste keer dat ze achter buitenlandse oliemaatschappijen aan gaan. Door zich te […]

4 años atrás

[…] at least 130 billion dollars’ worth of damage to the economy between 2015 and 2018.Since 2015, the U.S. government has sanctioned 49 oil tankers, 18 Venezuelan companies, 60 foreign companies and 56 airplanes (41 belonging to […]

4 años atrás

[…] Since 2015, the U.S. government has sanctioned 49 oil tankers, 18 Venezuelan companies, 60 foreign companies and 56 airplanes (41 belonging to state airliner Conviasa and 15 belonging to state oil company PDVSA), but this is the first time they’ve gone after foreign oil companies. By targeting Rosneft Trading and TNK Trading (the two Rosneft subsidiaries), the United States makes it next-to-impossible for those firms to continue trading in Venezuela oil, as shipping companies, insurance companies and banks will refuse to work with them. […]

4 años atrás

[…] Since 2015, the U.S. government has sanctioned 49 oil tankers, 18 Venezuelan companies, 60 foreign companies and 56 airplanes (41 belonging to state airliner Conviasa and 15 belonging to state oil company PDVSA), but this is the first time they’ve gone after foreign oil companies. By targeting Rosneft Trading and TNK Trading (the two Rosneft subsidiaries), the United States makes it next-to-impossible for those firms to continue trading in Venezuela oil, as shipping companies, insurance companies and banks will refuse to work with them. […]

4 años atrás

[…] Since 2015, the U.S. government has sanctioned 49 oil tankers, 18 Venezuelan companies, 60 foreign companies and 56 airplanes (41 belonging to state airliner Conviasa and 15 belonging to state oil company PDVSA), but this is the first time they’ve gone after foreign oil companies. By targeting Rosneft Trading and TNK Trading (the two Rosneft subsidiaries), the United States makes it next-to-impossible for those firms to continue trading in Venezuela oil, as shipping companies, insurance companies and banks will refuse to work with them. […]

4 años atrás

[…] Since 2015, the U.S. government has sanctioned 49 oil tankers, 18 Venezuelan companies, 60 foreign companies and 56 airplanes (41 belonging to state airliner Conviasa and 15 belonging to state oil company PDVSA), but this is the first time they’ve gone after foreign oil companies. By targeting Rosneft Trading and TNK Trading (the two Rosneft subsidiaries), the United States makes it next-to-impossible for those firms to continue trading in Venezuela oil, as shipping companies, insurance companies and banks will refuse to work with them. […]